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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Please join us to congratulate all our awarded students for the AWARD CEREMONY QUARTER 2 (2021-2022) school may not be easy sometimes but we should never give up. Congratulations to all of you !!!   We would also like to  thank our beloved teachers who work relentlessly to keep students engaged. A teacher is the one who teaches from the heart not only from the book. Jazakum Allahu khayran    Please find attached the list of the winners of the  AWARD CEREMONY QUARTER 2 (2021-2022).    
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Please join us to congratulate all our awarded students for the AWARD CEREMONY QUARTER 1 (2021-2022) school may not be easy sometimes but we should never give up. Congratulations to all of you !!!   We would also like to  thank our beloved teachers who work relentlessly to keep students engaged. A teacher is the one who teaches from the heart not only from the book. Jazakum Allahu khayran    Please find attached the list of the winners of the  AWARD CEREMONY QUARTER 1 (2021-2022).    
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته   Please join us to congratulate all our awarded students for the second quarter, as well as the winners of the short story competition 2021.  school may not be easy sometimes but we should never give up. Congratulations to all of you !!!   We would also like to  thank our beloved teachers who work relentlessly to keep students engaged. A teacher is the one who teaches from the heart not only from the book. Jazakum Allahu khayran    Please find attached the list of the winners of the second quarter ceremony .         
Why is it important for kids to write? Statistics show that reading helps develop your writing skills, but writing helps develop your cognitive growth, organizational abilities, and the power to influence others through persuasion.  In short, writing powers the brain. Studies show that children who practice creative writing more often are generally better in other subjects too like math, science, and languages. Challenging themselves to come up with creative thoughts and problem solve, builds the confidence and discipline students need to succeed in all areas of life. Creativity seems to diminish as we get older. So, encourage your children to write, to be creative, to use their imagination, and then praise them when they do.  Build their confidence to clearly communicate their…
We are happy to share with you, our congratulations to the students awarded this quarter.  This is truly a mark of accomplishment and hard work that had earned them this award which is a symbol of their dedication.  Dear parents, in this unprecedented COVID crisis, you stepped in and helped, in remarkable ways with your child’s education at home. We all know it is not easy as some of you have school, work and other responsibilities, and we know it is not the ideal way of teaching, but your dedication to your children's education has not gone unappreciated.  These awards are not for students only, they are going to all the parents in recognition of their dedication, effort, support and…
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته       Assalamu alaykum Dear parents.   Please join us to congratulate all the students who participated in the IQA competition, A special congratulations to the ones who won First, second and third place. Every one of them worked hard and mashaa Allah did a great job.      
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